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Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Interview with Author & Publisher Karolina Robinson

EA: Creatively Creative has landed its third international interview. Today, I spoke with Lithuania-born author and co-founder of the publishing company, MTP (Michael Terence Publishing) Karolina Robinson.

EA: I've noticed that all of your books so far are based on true stories. Was it easy for you to gather the courage to tell your story, nevertheless, put it in a book?

KR: When it comes to my past, I never hide the story. All of my best friends knew what had happened. The biggest fear I had was, how to explain to my mother that I'm planning on putting all the dirty laundry out for the whole worlds to "see". One evening we were talking on Skype and I was just all over the place, trying to find the rights words. And once I explained to her, she said "I always wanted to write a book about it too!" She was very supportive, but we agreed on trying to disguise the actual place as much as possible, since certain people still live there, so as my mother.

EA: Your most recent release is ...all five... Is this part of an anthology, or a standalone story?

KR: It's a very disturbing story about one family. And no, it is not part of an anthology.

EA: Was there anyone who inspired you to tell your story?

KR: I just needed to be set free. I had to leave all that pain behind and not to care anymore.
When book was finished and "out there" I felt, like it is no longer my story. It's a story of every abused child and mother. It was no longer my past. It became just a story.

EA: Describe the feeling of being a finalist for the 2017 Centre of Excellence Award.

KR: For all of this, I will be forever grateful to Centre of Excellence. They gave me that first push. In one of the tasks in the Creative Writing course, they were talking about short story competitions. So I entered and won. Then 3 books later I am co-founder of a publishing company, MTP agency, helping others to get into the market. Feels amazing, not because it was unexpected, just because I worked hard for it!

EA: What is your primary aspiration through your work overall?

KR: For MTP agency to be worlds biggest publishing house! And then one day, to release the
final book of Karolina's Journey :)

EA: What advice would you give to those who went through a situation like yours or similar?

KR: No matter what just stay positive and be kind to yourself.

EA: What advice would you give to aspiring authors?

KR: The word NO doesn't live in a creative mind! So when somebody tells you that your work ain't good enough, trust me-- somebody will say, its perfect. That somebody could easily be MTP agency!

EA: Finally, tell the readers why ...all five... is a must buy.

KR: It's a very twisted book. My friend said " I know it was wrong but I felt so sad for the killer". When you realize that the story really took place, it forces you to stop after every page, sit and reflect. And not to spill the beans totally, I read that book far too many times, but the ending still gives me the goosebumps!


"The word NO doesn't live in a creative mind." A very interesting way of wording it, and I agree. A creative mind is an unlimited mind. An excellent sales pitch in the midst of that advice as well. Not many have the courage to tell their life's story, and I hope individuals like Karolina as well as others who have found that courage can inspire others who want to speak out but are afraid to, usually out of fear of embarrassment and mockery.

I definitely want to thank Karolina for speaking with me. For more on Karolina and her novels, you can visit her website at For more information on becoming an author for MTP, visit

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