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Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Interview with Author Cherilyn Hearn

Recently, the EA: Creatively Creative blog reached over 6,000 views! I can't thank all of the authors who allowed me to interview them enough for helping make this possible-- and more to come. Today, the spotlight shines on author Cherilyn Hearn.

EA: Before Her Mother Named Her is an interesting title. Would you share with us the concept of the book?

CH: The title was originally No Remains, but after getting some feedback I felt like that carried too much of an ominous tone, for what I really feel is a silver lining, feel good type of story. Basically it tells a story set in about 2016, of a single mother and teenage daughter, living in Rhode Island. A series of events surrounding her impending graduation cast some doubt and question about her identity. 
The back story involves the truth that there are victims of 9/11 who have never had any remains recovered, no DNA, no proof of death. This mother and daughter were a civilian woman working in the Pentagon and a three year old girl on the flight that ended there. She carried the girl from the rubble and amid the chaos, some amnesia and shock, they walked away and made a life. It's a great what-if story that shares the initial loss and the bittersweet shock when Rose's aunt realizes she's alive. 

EA: Who would you say are your biggest influences to become a writer?

CH: Definitely teachers. I actually can't cite any writers in my family or upbringing. I can name just a few teachers who were instrumental in recognizing my talent and encouraging me to pursue it. I try to do the same when I find kids who like to write.

EA: Are there any genres in particular that you enjoy writing?

CH: I gravitate towards literary and women's fiction, but I've written a little bit of everything. I actually love the potential in non-fiction, but the market is flooded. It comes in waves. I've written children's books and poetry. It's a lot like a mood.

EA: Would you say that writing a novel is easy?

CH: I guess that's a relative term. To so many, when I mention I've written fourteen books, I get looks of shock and awe. Of course we all know that writing them is just the beginning. We all have our blessings and talents. So, when compared to building a house or running a marathon, writing a novel is easy, for me. But it takes months, it takes patience and perseverance. 

EA: What can readers expect next from Cherilyn Hearn?

CH: I actually already have two crime/suspense novels in the works. This is a new genre for me, but both stories have kept me up at night and need to be written. Picasso's Son should be complete and ready for agents in November of this year and the other perhaps six months after.

EA: What is your biggest aspiration as an author?

CH: Well, I want the dream of course. Random House, a traditional publishing deal and everything that comes with it. But mostly I'd just like writing to support me, so I can just write, instead of trying to make ends meet along the way.

EA: What advice would you give to aspiring authors?

CH: It's hard. Be prepared for that. Not the writing, but all the rest.
Write every day.
Figure out what you want to get out of your writing and focus on that. It's easy to let other writers' plans infect your own.
Prepare for criticism.

EA: Finally, tell the readers why Before Her Mother Named Her is a must read.

CH: Before Her Mother Named Her isn't about 9/11, but it is a much needed, tiny little happy ending after the biggest tragedy of our modern times. Everyone can use that type of sweetness in their day.


Solid advice. Particularly, focusing on following your writing aspirations, and not allowing other writers' plans to influence your own. On a side note, I have my own take on the 9/11 situation, but subjects like that are reserved for my social commentary blog, Social Eyes View. I want to thank Cherilyn for speaking with me today. Check out Before Her Mother Named Her, and more from Cherilyn on Amazon.

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